CJIB makes changes to services on Facebook and Twitter
The Central Judicial Collection Agency (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, CJIB) caters to your specific information needs through a variety of channels. To make sure that we do this properly, we regularly need to ask you for your personal details. It is important to us that your details are well protected at all times, which is why we comply with all relevant regulations.
There has been an update to the EU regulations on the use and protection of personal details. As the use or sharing of personal details on social media is no longer compliant with these regulations, we have decided to make changes to the services we offer on these platforms.
From now on, we will no longer ask you to share your personal details with us on social media before we answer your questions. As a consequence, we will only be able to provide general information in reply to your questions on Facebook and Twitter.
If you have any questions for the CJIB that require us to process your personal details, you are kindly requested to contact us through the live chat on our website at cjib.nl or by telephone.